Everything Talks: You Just Have to Know How to Listen is the second book for children that I’ve illustrated. As the title suggests, the book is about sounds in the world around us. The goal of each illustration is to help evoke the featured sound visually. Color, layout and incorporation of text into the illustration were all key to giving each page it’s sound.
Here in Asheville the book is available from Spellbound Children’s Bookshop and will soon be available at many other locations.
The book is published by Back of a Mouse Books, a division of Blue Throat Publishing.
Some pages from the book are shown below.

Yeah, I love creating posters for the Blue Ridge Rollergirls (BRRG)!
This time, a double header with the theme “Sibling Rivalry.”
When Drag’n SlayHer told me the theme I immediately pictured two young girls being, well, as sisters can be, bratty. Perfect for my children’s book illustration style.
So, some time at the drawing table, some coloring on the computer, some fun with type and a poster came to life. Well, actually two – one tabloid size and one letter size (shown).
Want to know more about BRRG? Visit them online at www.blueridgerollergirls.com and come out to the bout on April 24th. I recommend picking up your tickets early, saves you some $ and time in line, giving more time for cheering.
And for you fans out there, who do you think was the inspiration for the young BRRG?